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Olive Balsamic 150ml


This unique balsamic is packed full of flavor and goes well with salads, all meats, chicken pizza, in wraps on fries, burgers, fish, cheese in sauces, add olive oil and use as a bread dip. One for all homes who love to enhance food.

SKU: 6009665154916 Category:

This unique balsamic is packed full of flavor and goes well with salads, all meats, chicken pizza, in wraps on fries, burgers, fish, cheese in sauces, add olive oil and use as a bread dip. One for all homes who love to enhance food.

Product Features:

  • Froggit quality
  • Delicious food dressings
  • Turn average food into a masterpiece
  • Rich tasting
  • Packed with flavour

Product Specifications:

  • Available in 150ml and 500ml
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